1 June
Germany, Legal
![The leader of German women in Nazi Germany: Gertrud Scholtz-Klink. Women had little influence in the Third Reich.](../../../images/made/images/uploads/timeline-photos/third-reich/1933/naziwomen_396_601_80.jpg)
First Law for the Reduction of Unemployment.
9 June
Germany, Legal
Law on Payments Abroad.
12 June
Germany, Legal
Law on Betraying the German Economy; notification of assets abroad.
14 June
Germany, Legal
Law on the New Formation of the German Peasantry.
22 June
Germany, Legal
Decree dissolving political parties: the Social Democrats.
27 June
Germany, Legal
Decrees dissolving political parties: DNVP.
28 June
Germany, Legal
Decrees dissolving political parties: State Party. Theodor Eicke becomes Commandant of Dachau. He is brutal and dedicated to ensuring that the “enemies of Germany” are securely held in the camp.